

What Is Legacy Data Archival?

Important data should be kept in a data archive since it rarely, if ever, needs to be accessed or changed. For legacy data or data that must be preserved to comply with laws like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR, most firms use data archives.


What are the Requirements for Legacy Data Archival?

Having a system whose data is still needed for compliance or other reasons but is no longer being utilized as an active application is the very minimum condition for archiving data. It’s useful to have an understanding of what information still has to be kept, in what format, and what the typical access or usage patterns are. It’s also crucial to know how and where to set up a central archive, such as on-premises versus SAAS. It’s crucial to comprehend the organization’s data retention policies, including the timeframes for distinct sorts or domains of data.


Benefits of Legacy Data Archival

The primary benefits of legacy data archiving data are:

  1. Reduced cost━data is typically stored on low performance, high capacity media with lower associated maintenance and operation costs
  2. Better backup and restore performance━archiving removes data from backups, reducing their size and eliminating restoration of unnecessary files
  3. Prevention of data loss━archiving reduces the ability to modify data, preventing data loss
  4. Increased security━ archiving removes documents from circulation, limiting the chance of cyberattack or malware infection
  5. Regulatory compliance– built-in policies ensure records are kept for an appropriate amount of time and indexing makes data more retrievable


Why An Archive Is Better Than A Legacy System?

You might question whether preserving a legacy system is preferable to archiving clinical data. There are a number of issues addressed by this, once more.

First of all, maintaining old systems can be expensive. You must first pay for hardware and software updates. However, you also need to keep your system up to date with any new laws.

Legacy systems might often be challenging to operate as they frequently become obsolete and cease to serve users’ demands as new technologies develop. Employee resentment as well as lower productivity may result from this. Not to mention that it could be more challenging to obtain data when necessary.

Additionally, as the subject matter experts who used that old system transition, their knowledge of how to utilize it does as well. This knowledge gap widens as you put off archiving longer.  

More over, legacy systems might be a serious security issue. Legacy systems can be a tempting target for hackers since they are frequently less secure than newer ones. If your patients’ data is kept in the system, it puts your data and their data at danger.


What is Clinical Data Archiving? 

A central repository for handling and preserving healthcare data is known as a clinical data archive. Electronic health records (EHRs), patient portals, and claims systems are just a few of the sources from which this information can be retrieved. Clinical data archiving gathers information from several sources and stores it in one place. This facilitates clinician access to complete patient records and boosts your healthcare organization’s productivity in general. 

Clinical data archiving offers a variety of advantages, such as better patient care, increased productivity, lowered risk of errors, better data administration, enhanced security, compliance with legal requirements, and more.


Is Clinical Data Archiving Right for you?

Do you still use older applications despite employing sophisticated electronic medical records (EMRs) or electronic health records (EHRs) systems? Does this affect patient care by making it more difficult for physicians to retrieve patient information? Do old systems consume a sizable percentage of your IT budget, making it difficult for you to fund other important initiatives?

Clinical archiving is the transfer of patient data from out-of-date legacy systems to a single archiving platform that preserves long-term patient records, enables healthcare organizations to comply with regulatory requirements, and lets you retire out-of-date clinical applications to lower costs and maintenance. Clinical archiving’s goal is to lower the cost of protecting and storing data, but our clients also gain from better patient outcomes through


Patient Data Archiving

The goal of archiving patient data is to make it easier for doctors to evaluate patient histories and make decisions regarding their care because data that has been archived is easier to access and retrieve. The storage of patient data can also be used to spot patterns and enhance patient outcomes.

Firstly, you must decide which kind of legacy data archive solution would work best for your company. There are several legacy data archive solutions available, therefore it’s crucial to pick one that will satisfy your particular requirements.

The second thing to check is that your legacy data archive solution conforms with all applicable laws. This includes laws like the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which controls the use and disclosure of patient health information.

Finally, you need to consider how you will manage your legacy data archive, addressing concerns like creating a backup plan and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to the data.

As healthcare data conversion specialists, we become your partner when mitigating healthcare data challenges. When you partner with Triyam, you can rest assured that your data is in good hands. We offer single-site or multiple-location system solutions with ease of scaling as your data needs and organizations evolve.

If you’re accessing archived data from Fovea, you will be able to assign authorized users who will set up login credentials. You can login to Fovea on any type of browser and computer to access archived patient medical records. The user will need only one username and password to login and access medical records across multiple facilities. Fovea can be accessed from any mobile device and every user is audited in detail.  

Archived data access from the new EMR is slightly different, but still integrated with Fovea. Fovea provides an API interface, which allows users to access the patient records from any external system through secure channels. Triyam provides HL7, IHE, and custom API support for interfacing. For example, Fovea can be hooked up to the new EHR via an API interface.


Users Can Access Archived Records in Two Ways

The 1st path to access data is by directly logging into Fovea. The 2nd is by logging into the new EHR and clicking a button to launch Fovea archival records within the new EHR. This second method assumes that the new EHR allows a customized Fovea button within it. The advantage of this method is that users don’t have to sign into two different systems and can quickly access the patient’s historical records while viewing their current medical records in the new EHR.